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Did you know? Red osier dogwood is famous for its vibrant, red stems, which provide a splash of color to winter landscapes. This striking shrub is also a natural survivor, thriving in wetland areas and along streambanks, where it plays a critical role in stabilizing soil and preventing erosion. Its ability to root from cuttings has earned it the nickname “nature’s live stake.”

Human and Wildlife Uses. Red osier dogwood is a wildlife favorite! Its berries are a critical food source for over 95 species of birds, including bluebirds, robins, and waxwings, especially during migration. Mammals such as deer and rabbits browse on its twigs and foliage. For humans, Indigenous communities historically used its flexible branches for making baskets and tools, and the bark was utilized for medicinal teas.

Border Zone Compatible. Red osier dogwood is highly compatible in the border zone of electric utility rights-of-way (ROW) due to its low-tomedium growth, typically reaching heights of 6–9 feet. This shrub is ideal for riparian zones and wetland edges, thriving in moist soils where it helps control erosion and filter water. Its dense growth provides excellent ground cover, reducing the chance of invasive species establishment. Additionally, its high ecological value supports biodiversity, making it a key player in ROW vegetation management.

References/Works Cited

Anderson, M., I. Dozier, and M. Stevens. (2000). Plant guide for redosier dogwood (Cornus sericea). USDA, NRCS, National Plant Data Center, Carlinville, IL. https:// plants.usda.gov/DocumentLibrary/plantguide/pdf/pg_cose16.pdf Cornus sericea. (2024, September 8). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Cornus_sericea&oldid=1244616614 USDA, NRCS. (2025). The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC. http://plants.usda.gov (2025, 10 January)