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We recently caught up with Dennis Fallon, now entering his third year as Executive Director. From building camaraderie with other arboricultural associations to implementing the strategic plan, Dennis shares his thoughts on the association’s greatest accomplishments, member involvement, and future goals.

Dennis, you are about to enter your third year as UAA Executive Director. What do you see as your greatest accomplishment in that time?

“The past three years have flown by. Getting to know the association, the volunteers, the staff and all the great work that has been going on has been inspiring. In that time, I am proud of the work that has occurred to build more depth in our partnerships with the other arboricultural associations and organizations.”

What do you think is the biggest step the UAA has taken in the past year? Since the pandemic?

“Significant work has gone into implementing the strategic plan that was created just before the pandemic. While the outcomes and opportunities of that vision are still being implemented, the organization is making progress on sustainable growth and awareness of the professionalism housed inside the UVM industry.”

We noticed several people recently joined the UAA in an announcement on the Member Portal. What do you hear from professionals about why they renew their memberships each year and why they want to be part of the UAA?

“It really comes down to the UAA offering access to an impressive network of UVM professionals and continuing education, which are both critical to career development and advancement.”

How do you think the UAA has improved member involvement within the organization?

“The opportunities offered through webinars, the Utility Arborist Newsline, regional meetings, safety summits, Trees & Utilities, and the Environmental Concerns in Rights of Ways Symposium only continue to advance and grow. These results are a credit to the dedicated volunteers, members, and UAA team members involved with these activities.”

What has been the greatest success for UAA so far in 2024?

I would say the developing opportunities in education. There is more news to come on this front, so stay tuned for some big announcements. As far as the rest of this year, it’s the continued focus on delivering for our members on all fronts.

“Our executive board came together and outlined some ambitious goals and opportunities for the organization in 2025. I am excited about the work already afoot and looking forward to embracing what’s ahead for us.”

Any parting words?

“My door is always open. If folks have ideas, suggestions, or feedback around the organization or the industry, please share them with me or any one of the UAA Directors.”